HIIT vs Strength Training
(Learn more in this short video)
West Indy Fitness
Personal Training
The number of lose-weight-quick programs that are fed to us everyday on TV and social media are staggering. Which one works, which gym should I join, what do I do once I get into the gym?
The first step is to get into the gym. Don't have a program or a plan? The best thing to do is ask for help from an expert. You can be with this person for the long haul, until you reach your ideal weight or strength, you can be with this person, until you feel comfortable enough to train on your own. Either way, our trainers are here for you!
The trainers at West Indy Barbell are constantly reviewing all the techniques in the literature on correct lifting form and the optimum repetition level needed to produce an effective, but not debilitating workout. How about eating habits, we can help you build a plan that ensures calorie input is correct for the goals you want to achieve.
These Sessions are group sessions (up to 8 athletes) with a trainer.
$250/month 2 times per week
$400/month 4 times per week
-24 hour access
-No Cancellation Fees
-No contracts
Boot Camp
You prefer to be in a group, rotate between stations, have an experienced trainer encourage you while you and your new family work hard to get into shape. Then Boot Camp is for you!
This style of training is called High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT). Move from station-to-station using kettle bells, dumb bells, trx bands, very large tires, and the dreaded stop clock!
The trainers at West Indy Barbell will guide and encourage you at each station and through every push up and plank!
These Sessions are group sessions with a trainer (up to 16 athletes).
$250/month 3 times per week
-24 hour access
-No Cancellation Fees
-No contracts
How to Contact the Trainer for You
Renee Brown (geared and raw power lifting, general fitness, recovery)
Cullen King (geared and raw power lifting, general fitness, recovery)
Andrew Ponsler (speed and agility, general fitness, recovery)
Katrina Wiseman-Ponsler (body building, power lifting, general fitness, recovery)
Hybrid On-Line
You just purchased and assembled your beautiful Bells of Steel Hydra Squat Rack, Blitz Bike, Buzzsaw Bench, got your Bells of Steel utility bar and Dead Bounce Rubber plates loaded and ready to put to work. Now what? Join a gym (we have one if you want to join)? Hang up your laundry on the new bar? Wait!!!! You need a program, you need a trainer!
Jump into our on-line training through the TrainHerioc App or Trainerize application and become a part of the West Indy Barbell family from your home, basement, garage, or enclosed back porch! Our tainers will plan a work out designed for the equipment or lack of equipment you have at your diposal. Your personal trainer will write a program just for you and you can work with them and discuss how often they need to review your workout techniques.
The trainers at West Indy Barbell will guide and encourage you at each step of the way!!
These Sessions are on-line only and you can send review videos per the coaches discretion.
-Weekly personal programming via TrainHerioc or Trainerize
-Weelky Check-ins via email
-Weekly form critiques following upload of video of lift
-No Cancellation Fees
-No contracts